Reasonable Gun Laws

Start With You


Did you actually think for a second that the website, “Kevlar4Kids” would redirect you to an online retailer selling bulletproof vests for CHILDREN? Yikes. If we have really reached that point in society, don’t you think it’s time we take action?

The fact of the matter is- not a SINGLE day goes by where someone, somewhere isn’t killed by gun violence. In fact, on average every day 327 people are shot and 117 are shot AND killed in the U.S.

Where are the ones who protect us?

All of this awareness regarding gun violence was harnessed and put into musical form. This song by our project band, If Then, was motivated by the tragic 2017 Las Vegas shooting. Give it a listen- out everywhere. All proceeds from song purchases go directly to active causes fighting for reasonable gun laws.

The Gun Law Silk Road

Connecting you to all resources regarding reasonable gun laws is our primary goal. All the research and exploration has been done for you. The connections have been made. Action is inevitable. Enough is enough!

Our goal is to connect you with resources that result in ACTION.

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence -

This organization focuses on legislative advocacy, education, and litigation to prevent gun violence. They work to strengthen gun laws and promote public safety measures.

Everytown for Gun Safety -

Everytown is a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence and build safer communities. They focus on advocating for stronger gun laws, supporting survivors, and conducting research on gun violence.

Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence -

Founded by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, this organization works to change laws and policies to save lives from gun violence through legal expertise and advocacy efforts.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America -

This grassroots movement mobilizes mothers and families to advocate for stronger gun laws and promote gun safety measures in communities across the country.

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) -

CSGV works to enact and enforce gun laws, public health and safety policies, and regulations that save lives. They also conduct research and education on the causes and solutions to gun violence.

Violence Policy Center -

This organization conducts research and advocates for policies to reduce gun violence. They focus on issues such as illegal gun trafficking, gun industry accountability, and the impact of firearms on public health.

Sandy Hook Promise -

The Sandy Hook Promise envisions a future where children are free from shootings and acts of violence in their schools, homes, and communities.